
114 Inspiring European & Nordic Mottos to Live By – A Collection of Cool & Stylish Quotes

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The mottos emerging from Europe and the Nordic region are more than just words—they are the distilled wisdom of rich history and vibrant cultures. Spanning from ancient Latin to the modern tongues of various European nations, these maxims have long served as life guides and daily encouragements. In this article, we have carefully selected a range of cool and stylish quotes along with their
Pronunciations and
Meanings. Let these words of wisdom inspire you to live boldly, embrace new challenges, and enrich your everyday life.



European & Nordic Mottos to Live By


  1. Carpe diem (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Kar-pe day-em
    Meaning: Seize the day
  2. Memento mori (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Meh-men-to moh-ree
    Meaning: Never forget death
  3. Cogito ergo sum (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Koh-gee-toh er-go soom
    Meaning: I think, therefore I am
  4. Amor fati (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Ah-mor fah-tee
    Meaning: Love your fate
  5. Audentes fortuna iuvat (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Ow-den-tes for-too-na yoo-vaht
    Meaning: Fortune favors the bold
  6. Ad astra per aspera (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Ad as-tra per as-peh-ra
    Meaning: To the stars through difficulties
  7. Veni, vidi, vici (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Vay-nee, vee-dee, vee-chee
    Meaning: I came, I saw, I conquered
  8. In vino veritas (Latin)
    Pronunciation: In vee-noh ve-ri-tas
    Meaning: In wine, there is truth
  9. Semper fidelis (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Sem-per fee-deh-lis
    Meaning: Always faithful
  10. Dum spiro, spero (Latin)
    Pronunciation: Doom spee-ro, speh-ro
    Meaning: While I breathe, I hope
  11. L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt (French)
    Pronunciation: Lah-venir a-par-tee-enn a suh kee suh lev-t toh
    Meaning: The future belongs to those who rise early
  12. C’est la vie (French)
    Pronunciation: Say lah vee
    Meaning: That’s life
  13. Joie de vivre (French)
    Pronunciation: Zhwah duh veevr
    Meaning: Joy of living
  14. Rien ne va plus (French)
    Pronunciation: Ree-en nu va ploo
    Meaning: No more can be done
  15. Après la pluie, le beau temps (French)
    Pronunciation: Ah-pray lah ploo-ee, luh boh tahn
    Meaning: After rain comes sunshine
  16. Qui vivra verra (French)
    Pronunciation: Kee vee-vrah veh-rah
    Meaning: Time will tell
  17. La vie est belle (French)
    Pronunciation: Lah vee eh bell
    Meaning: Life is beautiful
  18. L’amour est tout (French)
    Pronunciation: Lah-moor eh too
    Meaning: Love is everything
  19. Vouloir, c’est pouvoir (French)
    Pronunciation: Vool-war, say poo-vwar
    Meaning: Where there’s a will, there’s a way
  20. Tout est bien qui finit bien (French)
    Pronunciation: Too eh byan kee fee-nee byan
    Meaning: All’s well that ends well
  21. La dolce vita (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Lah dol-cheh vee-tah
    Meaning: The sweet life
  22. Vivere è come sognare (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Vee-veh-reh eh koh-meh soh-nyah-reh
    Meaning: Living is like dreaming
  23. Chi la dura la vince (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Key lah doo-rah lah vin-cheh
    Meaning: Perseverance conquers
  24. Non è tutto oro quel che luccica (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Non eh toot-toh oh-roh kwel keh looch-cha
    Meaning: Not everything that glitters is gold
  25. Il meglio deve ancora venire (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Il mel-lyoh deh-veh ahn-coh-rah veh-nee-reh
    Meaning: The best is yet to come
  26. Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Key troh-vah oon ah-mee-koh, troh-vah oon teh-zoh-roh
    Meaning: A friend is a treasure
  27. Fatti non foste a viver come bruti (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Fat-tee non fost-teh ah vee-vehr koh-meh broo-tee
    Meaning: We were not born to live like brutes
  28. Sii il cambiamento che vuoi vedere nel mondo (Italian)
    Pronunciation: See eehl cam-bee-ah-men-toh keh vwoi veh-deh-reh nel mon-doh
    Meaning: Be the change you wish to see in the world
  29. La speranza è l’ultima a morire (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Lah speh-rahn-tsah eh loot-tee-mah ah moh-ree-reh
    Meaning: Hope lives until the end
  30. Vivi e lascia vivere (Italian)
    Pronunciation: Vee-vee eh lash-chah vee-ve-reh
    Meaning: Live and let live
  31. Vivir es soñar (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: Bee-veer es soh-nyar
    Meaning: To live is to dream
  32. El que la sigue, la consigue (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: El keh lah see-geh, lah con-see-geh
    Meaning: Success comes to those who persist
  33. A mal tiempo, buena cara (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: Ah mal tee-em-poh, bweh-nah kah-rah
    Meaning: Put on a brave face in tough times
  34. No hay mal que por bien no venga (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: No eye mal keh por bwehn no ven-ga
    Meaning: Every cloud has a silver lining
  35. Más vale tarde que nunca (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: Maas vah-le tar-deh keh noon-ka
    Meaning: Better late than never
  36. Cada día es una nueva oportunidad (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: Kah-dah dee-ah es oo-nah nweh-vah oh-por-too-nee-dahd
    Meaning: Every day is a new opportunity
  37. El tiempo lo cura todo (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: El tee-em-poh lo koo-rah toh-doh
    Meaning: Time heals all wounds
  38. La unión hace la fuerza (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: Lah oo-nee-on ah-seh lah fwer-sah
    Meaning: Unity is strength
  39. Donde hay amor, hay vida (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: Don-deh eye ah-mor, eye vee-dah
    Meaning: Where there is love, there is life
  40. Sigue tus sueños (Spanish)
    Pronunciation: See-geh toos sweh-nyos
    Meaning: Follow your dreams
