From ancient times to the modern era, this comprehensive list showcases a vast array of mythical weapons featured in global myths, legends, and fictional works. Whether it’s a sacred sword wielded by heroes or a magical staff imbued with divine power, every weapon carries its own legendary story. Use this guide to ignite your creativity, enhance character narratives, or develop an unforgettable brand identity.
- Legendary Weapons List
- 1. Swords, Blades, and Eastern Swords from Myths and Legends
- 2. Powerful Spears, Lances, and Naginata
- 3. Smashing Clubs, Hammers, and Axes of Destruction
- 4. Magical Wands, Sacred Staves, and Staff Weapons
- 5. Mystical Bows, Arrows, and Archer Weapons
- 6. Ultimate Throwing Weapons and Special Arms
- 7. Other Special Weapons
Legendary Weapons List
1. Swords, Blades, and Eastern Swords from Myths and Legends
Weapons that symbolize the will of heroes and gods, and represent destiny.
- Greek Mythology
- Harpe
A curved, sickle-like sword used by gods and heroes.
- Harpe
- Arthurian Legends and Related Traditions
- Excalibur
King Arthur’s sacred sword, symbolizing royal authority and justice. - Caliburn / Caledfwlch
A dagger from Welsh lore said to cloak its wielder in shadows. - Arondight
Featured in the Middle English poem “Sir Launcelot of the Lake,” once attributed as Lancelot’s sword. - Onoré
A legendary sword used by the son of Gawain in French tales. - Galatine
Spoken of as Gawain’s sword. - Corbrand
A variant name for Excalibur in English legends. - Coolshoes
Known as the sword of Ban, Lancelot’s father, with a storied lineage. - Clarent
A ceremonial peace sword, later stolen by Mordred and used in King Arthur’s demise. - Shastifol
A sword with a peculiar background featured in French narratives. - Sequences
The sword Lancelot wielded on the battlefield, unique to the legends. - Florent
Attributed as the sword of Lucius Tiberius, adding splendor to heroic tales. - Marmiadoors
A sword intertwined with fire deities and epic battles in myth.
- Excalibur
- Related to the Fairy Queen
- Chryséio
A sword emitting a golden glow; in fairy queen legends, it carries mysterious power. - Moldyul
Another sword from the fairy queen tales, imbued with a dark destiny.
- Chryséio
- Charlemagne Legends / The Song of Roland
- Almas
The sword of Archbishop Turpan, adding grandeur to the battles of legendary heroes. - Autocler
A sword reportedly wielded by Olivier, endowed with mythic power. - Joiyuz
The sword used by Charlemagne in dramatic narratives. - Durandal
The legendary sword of Roland. - Preseus
A sword said to have belonged to a Babylonian king, shrouded in legend. - Mulgrace
Appears as the sword of Gunlön in heroic epics.
- Almas
- Other Medieval European Traditions
- Cruhtan
The sword of Ogier de la Danou. - The Three Swords of FierraBra
Known as Pruwalan, Baptism, and Grabham – part of a unique weapon lineage. - Melveiyuz
The sword of Don de Meyans, surrounded by numerous legends. - Frobelge (or Franbelge)
Renowned in Italian traditions for its immense power and mystique. - Belisarda
The sword of Ruggiero, embodying a piece of the legend. - Altakia
Olivier’s sword, also known by other names in later legends. - Gastiga-Folli / Kialenza
An older or alternate name for Altakia mentioned in various narratives.
- Cruhtan
- Norse Mythology and Germanic Regions
- Gram
The sword Odin is said to have thrust into a tree, chosen by fate. - Sword of Victory
Described as the self-activating sword of the god Freyr. - Skofnung
The sword of King Florv-Clarki, whose fate is intertwined with its owner. - Dyrinsleif
A bloodthirsty magic sword. - Tilving
A cursed sword reputedly wielded by legendary heroes. - Frotti, Hovz, Lisanaut, Rizil, Levataine, Mistilteine
Various weapons that appear in epic battles and divine narratives. - Mimming’s Sword
Once owned by the forest deity Mimming and later passed on to heroes.
- Gram
- Icelandic Sagas
- Ættartangi
The legendary sword borne by heroes in the sagas. - Karlsnoth
A sword that enriches the tales of battle. - Glacisa, Gunrogi
Weapons featured in heroic sagas. - Dragvandidil
A treasured family heirloom sword. - Naz, Fortbeet, Jokulsnoth, Lang
Legendary arms associated with specific heroes.
- Ættartangi
- Nibelungenlied / Dietrich Legends
- Balmung
The sword used by the hero Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied. - Eckesachs, Nagelring, Brutegang, Meemung, Largulf
A series of weapons featured in Dietrich legends during battles against giants.
- Balmung
- Beowulf Traditions
- Nealing
The sword of the hero who challenged dragons. - Frunting
A borrowed sword used in legendary combats. - Jotun’s Sword
Fabled in tales of battles against giants.
- Nealing
- Others (Various Regional Traditions)
- Ezelring
A venerable sword appearing with different owners in various tales. - Gunfiessel
Featured in Icelandic and Norse folklore, said to bring luck to its bearer.
- Ezelring
- Celtic Mythology & the Ulster/Finn Cycle
- Orna, Karadborg, Claw-Solas, Fragalah
Symbols of gods and warriors in Celtic myths and heroic legends. - Vegalta, Moralta, Mack a Ruin, Gel na Gcoran
Legendary weapons featured in Ulster and Finn legends. - Macabuin
A weapon said to be forged by a legendary smith in Manx tradition.
- Orna, Karadborg, Claw-Solas, Fragalah
- Indian Mythology
- Aśi (Sword)
A legendary sword that embodies the power of the gods. - Aparājita
Hailed as invincible and bestowed upon heroes. - Chandrahās, Nandaka
Sacred swords associated with Shiva and Vishnu.
- Aśi (Sword)
- Chinese Mythology, Folklore, and Fiction
- Tai’a
One of the three legendary swords forged for Chu’s kings and famed smiths. - Huaying Sword
A mysterious sword that soars and detects enemies. - Ganjiang & Moye
Famous swords from the Wu-Yue legends, crafted by royal smiths. - Xuanyuan Sword
The ancient sword said to have been owned by the Yellow Emperor. - Triple-Pointed Double-Edged Blade, Poison Dagger Han Yue Blade, Divine Silver Sword
Renowned for ancient forging techniques and mystical curses.
- Tai’a
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Outlaws of the Marsh, Investiture of the Gods, Journey to the West
- [Romance of the Three Kingdoms]
- Heaven-Relying Sword, Azure Blade, Ancient Lock Blade, Azure Dragon Crescent Blade, Twin-edged Sword
Legendary swords owned by heroes and generals in the Three Kingdoms tales.
- Heaven-Relying Sword, Azure Blade, Ancient Lock Blade, Azure Dragon Crescent Blade, Twin-edged Sword
- [Outlaws of the Marsh]
- Xuan Yuan Hunyuan Sword, Golden Pill, Songwen Guding Sword, Blowing Hair Sword, Wind-Splitting Blade
Treasured swords wielded by the Marsh heroes.
- Xuan Yuan Hunyuan Sword, Golden Pill, Songwen Guding Sword, Blowing Hair Sword, Wind-Splitting Blade
- [Investiture of the Gods]
- Four Swords of Celestial Punishment, Yaochi Inner White Light Sword
Weapons bridging the immortal and mortal realms in divine conflict.
- Four Swords of Celestial Punishment, Yaochi Inner White Light Sword
- [Journey to the West]
- Seven-Star Sword
A legendary sword referenced in the adventures of Sun Wukong and his companions.
- Seven-Star Sword
- [Romance of the Three Kingdoms]
- Japanese Mythology, Folklore, Medieval & Early Modern Fiction
- [Kojiki and Nihon Shoki Myths]
- Ame-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi (Kusanagi Sword)
The sword extracted by Susanoo from the eight‐headed serpent; one of the Three Sacred Treasures. - Ame-no-Habakiri
The sword used to slay the great serpent. - Namao-dachi
A sword symbolizing divine power brought back by Ōkuninushi. - Itoshiro-Habari, Tairyō, Jūsoku Sword
Legendary weapons passed down through divine battles. - Futsunomitama, Yatsukamen
Sacred artifacts rooted in the ancient legends of divine descent.
- Ame-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi (Kusanagi Sword)
- [Sakanoue no Tamuramaro Legends]
- Sohayano Tsurugi, Kurikara Sword, Sanmei Sword
Legendary swords associated with Sakanoue no Tamuramaro and often featured in later creative works.
- Sohayano Tsurugi, Kurikara Sword, Sanmei Sword
- [Medieval & Early Modern Fiction]
- Murasame, Sanmei Sword (Alternate Lineage), Clothesline Pole
Weapons noted for their distinctive characteristics in samurai legends and duels.
- Murasame, Sanmei Sword (Alternate Lineage), Clothesline Pole
- [Ainu Traditions]
- Ipetamu
A fabled cursed sword featured in various Ainu legends.
- Ipetamu
- [Kojiki and Nihon Shoki Myths]
2. Powerful Spears, Lances, and Naginata
Weapons that change the course of battle with piercing and thrusting power.
- Universal / Cross-cultural Weapons
- Hades’ Double Spear
A spear said to be wielded by Hades (Pluto) from the Underworld, striking from both ends. - Pitchfork
In Christian lore, a symbolic double-pronged spear associated with the devil.
- Hades’ Double Spear
- Egyptian Mythology
- Horus’ Spear
The spear of Horus, symbolizing royal power and the force of the sun.
- Horus’ Spear
- Celtic Mythology
- Aradvall, Geiasal
Legendary spears borne by gods and heroes in Celtic myths. - Geijalg, Geibor, Geiborgh, Duveshef
Each distinguished by specific colors and fated destinies in the legends. - Bryunak, Rune
Iconic spears used in battles or to meet mythic challenges. - Slaughterer, Koorugras
Spears famed for their fearsome ability to decimate foes on the battlefield.
- Aradvall, Geiasal
- Norse Mythology
- Gungnir
Odin’s spear, renowned for its unfailing accuracy. - Gisli
A weapon with a legend of transforming from a sword into a spear.
- Gungnir
- Greek Mythology
- Triaena
Poseidon’s trident that is said to cleave the seas. - Achilles’ Spear
A weapon used by the hero Achilles, believed to affect destiny.
- Triaena
- Indian Mythology
- Vel, Trishula
Spear-like weapons wielded by the warrior gods Skanda and Shiva, symbolizing piercing power. - Indra’s Spear
The spear of Indra, the god of rain and thunder, used to shatter foes.
- Vel, Trishula
- Persian Mythology
- Bull-Headed Spear
A spear used by the great hero Feridun, fashioned in the shape of a bull’s head. - Garchasasp’s Spear
From Zoroastrian legends, a spear famed for slaying evil dragons.
- Bull-Headed Spear
- Other Regional Traditions
- Hotan Myth: The Spear of the Endless Sea
Appearing in foundation myths, a spear with the power to alter battles. - Arthurian Legend: Longominad/Longomiant
A spear that appears under different names in knightly legends. - The Song of Roland: Grantep, Malte
Legendary spears tied to heroic narratives. - Spanish Legend: Olindix
A spear depicted in Spanish folklore as the weapon of a valiant hero. - Roman Myth: Romulus’ Spear
A symbolic weapon in the founding myths of Rome. - Japanese Mythology
- Ame-no-Nubiyari
The spear used by Izanagi and Izanami in the creation myth. - Kagaminoyari
A legendary spear appearing during Amaterasu’s seclusion in the heavenly cave.
- Ame-no-Nubiyari
- Medieval & Early Modern Fiction
- Ten Gyakuho, Iwayaragi
A spear and naginata renowned in samurai legends for their transformative power.
- Ten Gyakuho, Iwayaragi
- Ainu Traditions
- Ipeop
A fabled spear from Ainu oral tradition, reputed to be eerily formidable.
- Ipeop
- Hotan Myth: The Spear of the Endless Sea
3. Smashing Clubs, Hammers, and Axes of Destruction
Weapons symbolizing raw force and the power of the gods.
- Mesopotamian Mythology
- Elimsarue, Kurdubba, Sita
Weapons brandished by the gods in battle, known for their unique form and power. - Charles (as a weapon aspect)
Used to slay the demon of pestilence.
- Elimsarue, Kurdubba, Sita
- Ugaritic Mythology
- Aimur, Yagrushi
Weapons serving the god Baal, reputed to expel enemies.
- Aimur, Yagrushi
- Egyptian Mythology
- Nekek (Crook and Flail)
The symbol of royal power and dominion, held by the god Osiris.
- Nekek (Crook and Flail)
- Celtic Mythology
- Dugza’s Club
A club imbued with the power over life and death, granting warriors divine protection.
- Dugza’s Club
- Norse Mythology
- Mjölnir
Thor’s mighty hammer, accompanied by thunder and overwhelming destructive force.
- Mjölnir
- Indian Mythology
- Kaumodaki, Katoyanga
Hammers wielded by the gods, believed to influence destiny on the battlefield.
- Kaumodaki, Katoyanga
- Finnish Mythology
- Ukonvasara
The hammer of the sky god Ukko, symbolizing celestial authority.
- Ukonvasara
- Chinese Mythology
- Thunder God’s Hammer and Wedge
Used by the thunder god to strike the heavens, a symbol of nature’s power.
- Thunder God’s Hammer and Wedge
- Related to Chinese Novel “Journey to the West”
- Ruyi Jingu Bang
The magical staff of Sun Wukong, which can change its size at will. - Huntie Gun, Nao Yao Chu
Weapons linked with the Bull Demon King and the Jade Rabbit.
- Ruyi Jingu Bang
- Others
- Weschella, Heracles’ Club
Legendary clubs used by heroes, celebrated for their overwhelming power.
- Weschella, Heracles’ Club
4. Magical Wands, Sacred Staves, and Staff Weapons
Instruments imbued with wisdom, healing, and magical power.
- Egyptian Mythology
- Waas, Heka
Symbols of mysticism and royal power associated with deities such as Ptah and Osiris.
- Waas, Heka
- Norse Mythology
- Ganbantein, Gridadvol
Mystical staves used by gods and giants to channel enigmatic power.
- Ganbantein, Gridadvol
- Greek Mythology
- Asclepius’ Staff
The emblem of healing and medical knowledge, wielded by the god of medicine. - Ceryceion, Thyrsus, Circe’s Wand
Magical staves symbolizing divine revelation and transformation.
- Asclepius’ Staff
- Indian Mythology
- Kaladanda
The staff of Yama, representing death and fate.
- Kaladanda
- Japanese Mythology
- [Example in Folklore]
A staff said to have been thrust into the ground by Yatsukami-no-Omi after leading the nation, serving a symbolic role.
- [Example in Folklore]
- Chinese Fiction
- Jiuhuan Xizhang, Jiangyao Baozhang
Staves used by immortals and Taoists to expel demons.
- Jiuhuan Xizhang, Jiangyao Baozhang
- Old Testament
- Aaron’s Rod
The staff wielded by Aaron as a sign of divine miracles.
- Aaron’s Rod
5. Mystical Bows, Arrows, and Archer Weapons
Long-range weapons that deliver a precise strike, embodying heroic pride and mystical power.
- Norse Mythology
- Mistilteinn
An arrow said to be used by Odin’s son, capable of influencing destiny. - Gusisnautral
A mystical set of bow and arrows that fly and return on their own.
- Mistilteinn
- Indian Epics
- Vijaya, Gandiva, Kodanda, Sharanga
Legendary bows granted to heroes such as Arjuna, celebrated in epic narratives. - Chandradanus, Pashpata, Pinaka
Bows associated with Shiva and Agni, capable of changing the tide of battle. - Brahmadaṭṭa, the Unending Quiver, Indra’s Arrow
Weapons that unleash endless arrows through mythic energy. - Haradanu’s Bow
A legendary bow entwined with tales of heroism and fate.
- Vijaya, Gandiva, Kodanda, Sharanga
- Arthurian Legends
- Failnot
The bow owned by Tristan, depicted as a symbol of tragedy and love.
- Failnot
- Japanese Mythology
- Ame-no-Magakoyumi and Ame-no-Hahayumi
The bow and arrow bestowed upon Ama-no-Watatsumi from Takamagahara, enabling miraculous shots. - Namayumiya
The bow and arrow carried back by Ōkuninushi along with divine power. - Golden Bow and Arrows, Kōyumi/Kōya
Weapons linked to solemn oaths and miraculous feats within the myth.
- Ame-no-Magakoyumi and Ame-no-Hahayumi
- Medieval & Early Modern Fiction
- Kadzuki Yumi/Kazatsuki Yumi, Raijōdō
Miraculous bows celebrated in samurai legends, reputed to turn the tide of battles.
- Kadzuki Yumi/Kazatsuki Yumi, Raijōdō
- Chinese Legends & Fiction
- [Legends and Historical Accounts]
- Wuhao, Qiankun Bow, Sunset Bow, Three Realms Subduing Bow, Mighty Conqueror
Ancient bows used by Chinese heroes and deities.
- Wuhao, Qiankun Bow, Sunset Bow, Three Realms Subduing Bow, Mighty Conqueror
- [Romance of the Three Kingdoms]
- Wanshi Bow, Dragon Tongue Bow
Legendary bows featured in the exploits of warriors like Lü Bu and Huang Zhong.
- Wanshi Bow, Dragon Tongue Bow
- [Outlaws of the Marsh]
- Youzi Bow
The bow of Hua Rong, noted for its martial prowess.
- Youzi Bow
- [Historical]
- The Eagle-Shooting Divine Bow, Hegemonic Bow, Thunder-Shaking Bow, Cloud-Piercing Arrow
Powerful bows renowned for precision and strength.
- The Eagle-Shooting Divine Bow, Hegemonic Bow, Thunder-Shaking Bow, Cloud-Piercing Arrow
- [Others]
- Aijek Doji, Schekinar’s Bow, Cupid’s Bow, Heracles’ Bow and Hydra’s Arrows, Apollo’s Bow, Abaris’ Arrows, Muhammad’s Six Bows, Gem Bow, Ukonkarī, Youkahainen’s Bow, Haiku Nahapet Longbow, Celestial Bow
A variety of legendary bows representing miraculous power and fate.
- Aijek Doji, Schekinar’s Bow, Cupid’s Bow, Heracles’ Bow and Hydra’s Arrows, Apollo’s Bow, Abaris’ Arrows, Muhammad’s Six Bows, Gem Bow, Ukonkarī, Youkahainen’s Bow, Haiku Nahapet Longbow, Celestial Bow
- [Legends and Historical Accounts]
6. Ultimate Throwing Weapons and Special Arms
Divinely activated weapons that, with a single incantation, can change the course of battle.
- Celtic Mythology
- Taslam
A projectile-like weapon, said to trigger the start of battles in legend.
- Taslam
- Greek Mythology
- Keraunos
A mysterious throwing weapon reportedly used by Zeus.
- Keraunos
- Indian Mythology (Astras)
- Astra
A divine projectile embodying the power of the gods. - Vajra
Often identified as Indra’s thunderbolt, activated merely by its utterance. - Sudarshana, Brahmastra, Agneastra
Magic weapons released with incantations, famed for their overwhelming destructive power.
- Astra
- Aztec/Mayan Mythology
- Siwkoatl, Chak’s Axe
Unique projectile weapons that control weather and natural forces.
- Siwkoatl, Chak’s Axe
- Hittite Mythology
- Krujj
A weapon used to defeat giants, rooted in ancient lore.
- Krujj
- Mesopotamian Mythology
- Imhul
A wind weapon reputedly used to defeat the goddess Tiamat.
- Imhul
- Other in Greek Mythology
- Adamantine Sickle
A unique weapon wielded by Cronus, believed to sever all things.
- Adamantine Sickle
- Other in Indian Mythology
- Balarama’s Plow, Pasha, Parash
Dual-purpose tools used both in agriculture and battle, employed by the gods to vanquish foes.
- Balarama’s Plow, Pasha, Parash
- Japanese Mythology
- Tetsuwan
A weapon said to have been used by Moshii, though its form and function remain mysterious.
- Tetsuwan
- Chinese Mythology
- Pangu’s Axe
The axe with which Pangu is said to have cleaved the world, a creation myth symbol.
- Pangu’s Axe
- Related to Chinese Novel “Journey to the West”
- Nail Rake, Treasure, Jinkang Zhuo
Extraordinary special weapons admired by Taishang Laojun and the immortals.
- Nail Rake, Treasure, Jinkang Zhuo
7. Other Special Weapons
Unique arms distinctive to various regional traditions.
- West African Mythology
- Abilidiabrada
A self-moving, talking whip that dispenses judgment upon malevolent spirits.
- Abilidiabrada
- Kyrgyz Epic
- Akkelte
A flawlessly accurate white firearm bestowed upon heroes as a divine trial.
- Akkelte
Legendary weapons form a bridge between ancient heroic epics and modern creative storytelling, reflecting rich cultural lore and enduring belief. May this comprehensive list inspire your creative endeavors and help you craft your own legendary narratives.
Source: Wikipedia – List of magical weapons