Terms of Use

About “LIFE – Day and Time”

Thank you for visiting “LIFE – Day and Time.”

We provide resources that support your personal growth by using affirmations to help you achieve your ideals, envision a positive future, and reach your goals while maintaining balance between your mind and body.

Features of the Free Materials on “LIFE – Day and Time”

  • You can download the materials without registering as a member.
  • Image materials may be used for commercial purposes. Anyone is free to use them at no cost.
  • Image materials may not be sold or redistributed.
  • They cannot be used on adult websites or in any manner that violates public order and morals.
  • In cases of secondary use or when the material is used to determine the value of a product, prior permission or credit attribution may be required. This applies when the material is used in products offered for sale. It is not an issue for non-commercial distributions such as flyers or posters.

Please note that selling the materials in almost their original form (such as selling them as paid materials) will result in a cease and desist, even if credit is given. Uses that do not directly lead to profit (such as on blogs, sample works, flyers, internal newsletters, or posters) are not subject to this restriction.

As long as you observe the prohibitions, you may use the materials freely.

Examples of Use

  • A staff member prints out a few copies at the request of a resident and delivers them to the resident’s room.
  • A facility user prints out the material for personal use.
  • A user brings printed materials to enjoy with several others at the facility.
  • Printed copies are distributed to residents.
  • Materials are printed for use as a service during leisure time at the facility.
  • Printed copies are used during recreational activities at the facility.
  • Materials are distributed in places where users gather.
  • They may be used in seminars or as part of informational materials.

“LIFE – Day and Time” Terms of Use & Guidelines

When using the materials provided by “LIFE – Day and Time,” you must read and agree to the following:

Regarding the Terms of Use

  • Materials may be used by governments, local authorities, companies, other organizations, or individuals.
  • Commercial use is allowed (except for selling the materials as they are).
  • The materials on “LIFE – Day and Time” are free and available for anyone.
  • There is no need to purchase the materials individually or pay any license fees.
  • No paid membership fee is required.
  • In principle, there is no obligation to provide credit attribution or usage reports for each material.

The following uses are prohibited:

  • Any use that infringes on intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, trademarks, property rights), privacy rights, publicity rights, or portrait rights, or any use that may infringe such rights.
  • Any use that places an excessive load on networks or systems, or that may disrupt our operations.
  • Providing the materials to other services.
  • Any use that violates public order and morals.
  • Any antisocial use.
  • Direct linking to “LIFE – Day and Time” materials (you must download and use them locally).
  • Any use that may conflict with criminal laws.
  • Any use that causes inconvenience to third parties.
  • Any use deemed inappropriate by the administrator.
  • Any use involving slander or causing actual harm.

In Case of Unauthorized Use

A: Please remove the relevant content immediately. If you do not comply with repeated removal requests (warnings) from us, we will consider taking legal action.

Changes to the Terms

The administrator of “LIFE – Day and Time” may modify these terms as necessary.

The revised terms will be posted on our website and will apply from the day after posting (or on the specified effective date, if stated otherwise).

Users are deemed to accept any changes to these terms.

Disclaimer & Claims for Damages

Even if “LIFE – Day and Time” is held responsible for any reason, due to the nature of this service and except as specifically stated in these terms, we shall not be liable for breach of contract, tort liability, consequential damages, indirect damages, special damages, lost profits, or any other legal liability. In other cases not specifically arranged, any issues will be resolved through sincere consultation.

If the use of any photo material violates the prohibited uses, or if the administrator of “LIFE – Day and Time” determines that there is a risk of violation, we reserve the right to suspend the service without any obligation to provide an explanation.

If a user’s actions that violate the prohibited uses or these terms, or any improper or illegal actions, damage the credibility of this service, the user shall be liable for any resulting damages.

If the use of a model release violates the prohibited uses, or if the administrator of “LIFE – Day and Time” deems there is a risk of violation, we reserve the right to suspend the service without providing any explanation.

If any unauthorized use is reported by external news sites or media, or is spread on social media, the user will be responsible for handling the matter, including any caches.


If any provision or part of a provision of these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable laws, the remaining provisions or the remaining part of the provision shall continue in full force and effect.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any litigation shall be brought before the court having jurisdiction over the location of the administrator (Sapporo).

These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

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