Operator Information

Day and Time | Useful Trivia from Japan and Around the World

Operator Profile

Hello, I am the operator of Day and Time. We run the website “Day and Time,” which offers useful information about Japan and various countries around the world. Our goal is to deliver engaging and practical information about Japan and the world to our readers.

The Philosophy of Day and Time

“Day and Time” is a media platform that provides interesting trivia about Japan and various countries. We offer a wealth of information, including:

  • Time Trivia: Interesting facts and information related to time from different countries.
  • Cultural Information: Learn about the cultures, customs, and holidays of various countries.
  • Tourist Attractions: Information on popular sightseeing spots and hidden gems.
  • Historical Trivia: Introduction to historical events and anecdotes from around the world.
  • Geographical Information: Details on geographical features, climates, and maps.
  • Language and Communication: Learn useful words, phrases, and expressions for effective communication in various languages.

Our Mission

We aim to deepen our readers’ knowledge about Japan and countries around the world while providing information that is useful for everyday life. We hope that the diverse themes we cover will enrich your daily life, travels, and learning experiences.

  • Service Name: Day and Time
  • Company Name: NAINE LLC
  • Location: Minami 6-jō, Minami-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Responsible Person: Shiori Hazuki
  • Business Description: Online media operation
  • Contact: Contact Form
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