100 Beautiful Japanese Names for Boys: Meaning & Inspiration

100 Beautiful Japanese Names for Boys: Meaning & Inspiration Lifestyle & Relationships
  1. Fuusei(風星 / ふうせい)- Wind & star
  2. Raito(雷翔 / らいと) – Thunder flight
  3. Raika(雷華 / らいか) – Thunder flower
  4. Yorukage(夜影 / よるかげ) – Night shadow
  5. Aoba(青葉 / あおば) – Green leaf
  6. Momiji(紅葉 / もみじ) – Autumn leaf
  7. Haoto(葉音 / はおと) – Leaf sound
  8. Amane(雨音 / あまね) – Rain sound
  9. Setsuka(雪華 / せつか) – Snow flower
  10. Yukito(雪翔 / ゆきと) – Snow flight
  11. Yukikaze(雪風 / ゆきかぜ) – Snow wind


Japanese names carry a unique elegance, often symbolizing the beauty of nature, seasons, and profound meanings. Whether you are choosing a name for a baby, a character, or a creative project, these 100 Japanese names for boys provide a rich source of inspiration. We hope this list helps you find a name that resonates with your vision and captures the essence of Japanese beauty.

Source: Wikipedia – 人名一覧


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