100 Beautiful Japanese Names for Girls: Meaning & Inspiration

100 Beautiful Japanese Names for Girls: Meaning & Inspiration Uncategorized
  1. Kanami(叶美 / かなみ)- Fulfill beauty
  2. Misaki(水咲 / みさき)- Water blossom
  3. Hiyori(陽愛 / ひより)- Sun love
  4. Miharu(美遥 / みはる)- Beautiful distance
  5. Sorane(空音 / そらね)- Sky sound
  6. Tsukiha(月羽 / つきは)- Moon wing
  7. Ran(蘭 / らん) – Orchid
  8. Sumire(菫 / すみれ) – Violet
  9. Shion(紫苑 / しおん) – Aster
  10. Mizuki(水月 / みづき) – Water moon
  11. Nagisa(渚 / なぎさ) – Shore
  12. Shizuku(雫 / しずく) – Water droplet

Finding the right name is a deeply personal choice, and Japanese names offer a rich tapestry of meanings, emotions, and imagery. From floral elegance to celestial beauty, these 100 Japanese names for girls provide timeless inspiration. Whether for a child, a character, or a project, these names celebrate the depth and artistry of Japanese language and culture.

Source: Wikipedia – 人名一覧


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