120 International Unisex Names – Discover Beautiful, Gender-Neutral Name Ideas

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“Do Names Really Need a Gender?” – 120 Unisex Names Loved Around the World

In recent years, gender-neutral names have captured global attention as more people embrace individuality and cultural diversity. These names—with their beautiful sounds, deep meanings, and international flair—are perfect for anyone looking to celebrate uniqueness beyond traditional gender roles. In this article, we’ve carefully selected 120 refined and internationally inspired unisex names. Whether you’re drawn to the elegance of English names, the romance of French and German names, the rugged charm of Nordic and Russian names, or other global inspirations, you’ll discover a name that resonates with your identity and style.


1. Unisex Names from the English-Speaking World (30 Names)

  1. Alex (pronounced: /ˈæl.ɪks/)
    – Short for Alexander/Alexandra
  2. Andy (pronounced: /ˈæn.di/)
    – Derived from Andrew/Andrea
  3. Ashley (pronounced: /ˈæʃ.li/)
    – Originally a male name, now widely used for females too
  4. Avery (pronounced: /ˈeɪ.vri/)
    – Increasingly popular for all genders
  5. Blair (pronounced: /blɛər/ or /blɛːr/)
    – A Scottish name with modern appeal
  6. Cameron (pronounced: /ˈkæm.rən/)
    – Of Scottish origin, suitable for anyone
  7. Casey (pronounced: /ˈkeɪ.si/)
    – With Irish roots
  8. Charlie (pronounced: /ˈtʃɑːr.li/)
    – A familiar short form of Charles/Charlotte
  9. Corey (pronounced: /ˈkɔːr.i/)
    – An Irish name used by both boys and girls
  10. Dakota (pronounced: /dəˈkoʊ.tə/)
    – Inspired by Native American heritage
  11. Devon (pronounced: /ˈdɛv.ən/)
    – Derived from an English place name
  12. Drew (pronounced: /druː/)
    – A shortened form of Andrew, now gender-neutral
  13. Eden (pronounced: /ˈiː.dən/)
    – Hebrew for “paradise”
  14. Elliot (pronounced: /ˈɛl.i.ət/)
    – Once mainly a male name, now embraced by all
  15. Emerson (pronounced: /ˈɛm.ər.sən/)
    – With German roots and international charm
  16. Finley (pronounced: /ˈfɪn.li/)
    – A Scottish favorite for any gender
  17. Harper (pronounced: /ˈhɑːr.pər/)
    – Meaning “one who plays the harp”
  18. Hunter (pronounced: /ˈhʌn.tər/)
    – Originally “the hunter,” now a trendy choice for girls too
  19. Jamie (pronounced: /ˈdʒeɪ.mi/)
    – A familiar diminutive of James or a name in its own right
  20. Jesse (pronounced: /ˈdʒɛ.si/)
    – Derived from Hebrew, meaning “gift”
  21. Jordan (pronounced: /ˈdʒɔːr.dən/)
    – Named after the historic Middle Eastern river
  22. Kai (pronounced: /kaɪ/)
    – A multicultural name used in various languages
  23. Logan (pronounced: /ˈloʊ.ɡən/)
    – Originally a Scottish surname
  24. Morgan (pronounced: /ˈmɔːr.ɡən/)
    – Welsh for “born of the sea”
  25. Phoenix (pronounced: /ˈfiː.nɪks/)
    – Symbolizing rebirth as the mythical bird
  26. Quinn (pronounced: /kwɪn/)
    – An Irish name meaning “wise”
  27. Reese (pronounced: /riːs/)
    – Formerly a Welsh male name, now popular with all
  28. Riley (pronounced: /ˈraɪ.li/)
    – Of Irish origin, meaning “courageous”
  29. Skyler (pronounced: /ˈskaɪ.lər/)
    – Derived from a Dutch name, widely used in English
  30. Taylor (pronounced: /ˈteɪ.lər/)
    – Originating from the English surname meaning “tailor”


2. Unisex Names from French & German-Speaking Regions (30 Names)

  1. Alexis (pronounced: /ælɛkˈsɪs/)
    – Popular in French-speaking areas for both genders
  2. Alix (pronounced: /əˈlɪks/)
    – A French variant reminiscent of Alex
  3. Andrea (pronounced: /ænˈdreɪ.ə/ or /ɑːnˈdreɪ.ə/)
    – Feminine in Spanish, masculine in Italian
  4. Antoine (pronounced: /ɑ̃ˈtwɑːn/)
    – A classic name in parts of Europe
  5. Camille (pronounced: /kəˈmɪl/)
    – Used in France for both boys and girls
  6. Claude (pronounced: /klod/)
    – A traditional French name
  7. Dominique (pronounced: /dɒmɪˈniːk/)
    – Gender-neutral in French
  8. Emile (pronounced: /eɪˈmiːl/ or /ɛˈmiːl/)
    – Common in French-speaking cultures
  9. Gabriel (pronounced: /ˈɡeɪ.bri.əl/ or in French [ɡabʁijɛl])
    – A name revered in both French and English contexts
  10. Noa (pronounced: /ˈnoʊ.ə/)
    – Used for both genders in Spanish-speaking regions
  11. Jules (pronounced: /dʒuːlz/)
    – A timeless French name for all
  12. Marion (pronounced: /ˈmær.i.ən/ or French [maʁjɔ̃])
    – A gentle and versatile French name
  13. Michel (pronounced: /mɪˈʃɛl/ or French [miʃɛl])
    – Traditionally male in French, female in English
  14. Pascal (pronounced: /ˈpæskəl/ or French [paskal])
    – Deeply rooted in French tradition
  15. Sacha (pronounced: /ˈsæʃ.ə/)
    – A well-known unisex name in France
  16. Laurent (pronounced: /lɔːˈrɒnt/ or French [lɔʁɑ̃])
    – Meaning “laurel,” a symbol of honor
  17. Leo (pronounced: /ˈliː.oʊ/)
    – Latin for “lion,” trending for girls too
  18. Lou (pronounced: /luː/)
    – A short form of Louis or Louise
  19. Luc (pronounced: /lʊk/ or French [lyk])
    – A classic name in the French language
  20. Maël (pronounced: /maˈɛl/)
    – Popular in the Breton regions of France
  21. Marion (reiterated as a true unisex example)
  22. Mathis (pronounced: /ˈmæθ.ɪs/)
    – Used in both French and German regions, also as a feminine form
  23. Michel (reiterated as a versatile name)
  24. Morganne (pronounced: /mɔːrˈɡæn/)
    – A French adaptation of Morgan
  25. Noël (pronounced: /noʊˈɛl/ or French [nɔ.ɛl])
    – Meaning “Christmas” in French, gender-neutral
  26. Pascal (reiterated to emphasize its festive roots)
  27. Patrice (pronounced: /pəˈtriːs/ or French [pa.tʁis])
    – A common unisex name in France
  28. Philippe (pronounced: /fɪˈlɪp/)
    – Of Greek origin, adaptable for both genders
  29. René (pronounced: /rəˈneɪ/ or French [ʁəne])
    – Meaning “reborn”; the feminine form is Renée
  30. Robin (pronounced: /ˈrɒb.ɪn/ or French [ʁɔbɛ̃])
    – A charming name popular in both French and German regions


3. Unisex Names from Nordic & Russian Regions (28 Names)

  1. Alek (pronounced: /ɑːˈlɛk/)
    – Short for Alexander in Russian
  2. Ansel (pronounced: /ˈæn.zɛl/)
    – Common in Germanic and Nordic cultures
  3. Ari (pronounced: /ˈɑː.ri/)
    – Used in Finnish and Hebrew traditions
  4. Bjorn (pronounced: /bjɔːrn/)
    – Scandinavian for “bear”
  5. Eero (pronounced: /ˈeː.roʊ/)
    – A Finnish favorite, suitable for any gender
  6. Elias (pronounced: /ɪˈliː.əs/)
    – A biblical name adopted as unisex in many countries
  7. Emil (pronounced: /ɛˈmiːl/)
    – Popular in both German and Scandinavian regions
  8. Erik (pronounced: /ˈeɪ.rɪk/ or /ˈɛr.ɪk/)
    – A classic Nordic name
  9. Eskil (pronounced: /ˈɛs.kɪl/)
    – A traditional Scandinavian name
  10. Finn (pronounced: /fɪn/)
    – Denotes “from Finland”
  11. Hakon (pronounced: /ˈhɑː.kɒn/)
    – A strong, historical Norwegian name
  12. Henrik (pronounced: /ˈhɛn.rɪk/)
    – Widely used across Scandinavian countries
  13. Ilari (pronounced: /ɪˈlɑː.ri/)
    – A distinctly Finnish name
  14. Isak (pronounced: /ˈiː.zæk/)
    – The Nordic form of Isaac
  15. Janne (pronounced: /ˈjæn.ə/)
    – A friendly, gender-neutral name popular in Finland
  16. Joar (pronounced: /joʊˈɑːr/ or /joˈɑːr/)
    – A modern Norwegian name
  17. Jukka (pronounced: /ˈdʒʊ.kə/)
    – A versatile Finnish name
  18. Kasper (pronounced: /ˈkæs.pər/)
    – Common in Sweden and Denmark
  19. Kristian (pronounced: /krɪsˈtiː.ən/)
    – Of Christian origin, used across genders
  20. Lars (pronounced: /lɑːrz/)
    – A Scandinavian classic
  21. Linus (pronounced: /ˈliː.nəs/)
    – Popular in Sweden and Germany
  22. Niko (pronounced: /ˈniː.koʊ/)
    – A succinct name with Greek-Nordic flair
  23. Rasmus (pronounced: /ˈræs.məs/)
    – Frequently found in Denmark and Sweden
  24. Rune (pronounced: /ruːn/)
    – Steeped in Scandinavian tradition
  25. Sander (pronounced: /ˈsæn.dər/)
    – Increasingly popular in Nordic circles
  26. Stellan (pronounced: /ˈstɛl.ən/)
    – A modern Swedish unisex name
  27. Tobias (pronounced: /toʊˈbiː.əs/)
    – Established in Nordic and German-speaking countries


4. Additional Global Unisex Names

A. Hebrew, Arabic & African Inspired (8 Names)

  1. Adi (pronounced: /ˈɑː.di/)
    – Hebrew for “jewel”
  2. Amari (pronounced: /əˈmɑː.ri/)
    – A multicultural choice with African and Arabic roots
  3. Ariel (pronounced: /ˈær.i.əl/)
    – Hebrew for “lion of God”
  4. Ezra (pronounced: /ˈɛz.rə/)
    – A classic Hebrew name
  5. Gabriel (pronounced: /ˈɡeɪ.bri.əl/)
    – Revered in both Christian and Jewish traditions
  6. Levi (pronounced: /ˈlɛv.i/)
    – Originally Hebrew, now used as a unisex name
  7. Noa (pronounced: /ˈnoʊ.ə/)
    – Meaning “movement” in Hebrew
  8. Shiloh (pronounced: /ˈʃɪl.oʊ/)
    – Of biblical origin

B. Asia-Pacific Inspired (7 Names)

  1. Akira (pronounced: /əˈkiː.rə/)
    – In Japanese, it signifies “brightness” or “wisdom”
  2. Haru (pronounced: /ˈhɑː.ruː/)
    – Conveys “spring” or “sunshine” in Japanese
  3. Kaoru (pronounced: /kaˈoʊ.ruː/)
    – Means “fragrance” in Japanese
  4. Ren (pronounced: /rɛn/)
    – A versatile Japanese name, meaning “lotus” or “connection”
  5. Riku (pronounced: /ˈriː.kuː/)
    – Denotes “land” or “power” in Japanese
  6. Sora (pronounced: /ˈsoʊ.rə/)
    – The Japanese word for “sky”
  7. Tsubasa (pronounced: /tsuˈbɑː.sə/)
    – Means “wings,” symbolizing freedom

C. Latin, Spanish & Portuguese Inspired (9 Names)

  1. Ángel (pronounced: /ˈæn.dʒəl/ or Spanish [ˈaŋxel])
    – Spanish for “angel”
  2. Bruno (pronounced: /ˈbruː.noʊ/)
    – With Latin origins, strong and distinctive
  3. Cruz (pronounced: /kruːz/)
    – Spanish for “cross,” symbolizing faith
  4. Dani (pronounced: /ˈdæn.i/)
    – Short for Daniel/Daniela
  5. Gael (pronounced: /ɡaˈɛl/)
    – A Celtic name popular in Spanish-speaking regions
  6. Manu (pronounced: /ˈmæ.nuː/)
    – Derived from Manuel/Manuela
  7. Nico (pronounced: /ˈniː.koʊ/)
    – A modern, succinct version of Nicolas/Nicole
  8. Rafa (pronounced: /ˈræ.fə/)
    – A lively short form of Rafael/Rafaela
  9. Sol (pronounced: /sɒl/ or /soʊl/)
    – Spanish for “sun,” bright and energetic

D. Other Regions (5 Names)

  1. Aspen (pronounced: /ˈæspən/)
    – Inspired by the majestic tree
  2. Indigo (pronounced: /ˈɪn.dɪ.ɡoʊ/)
    – Named after the deep, rich color
  3. Onyx (pronounced: /ˈɒn.ɪks/)
    – Derived from the black gemstone
  4. Sage (pronounced: /seɪdʒ/)
    – Evokes wisdom and nature
  5. Zenith (pronounced: /ˈziː.nɪθ/)
    – Means “peak” or “pinnacle”


A Name That Resonates

These international unisex names are more than just labels—they embody beauty, depth, and cultural diversity. Whether you’re naming a character for a creative project, choosing a name for your child, or simply seeking inspiration, our collection of 120 names is designed to spark your imagination. Embrace a name that reflects your true self, unbound by traditional gender roles, and let its unique sound and meaning guide you.


Explore More Name Inspirations:

Source: Wikipedia – Category: Human names

※ The naming examples provided below are offered as ideas for creative activities and online games.


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